
My Reading Journal for Code Fellows!

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Reading 4

Links are created using the <a> tag. Within the opening tag you need to locate the link. Finally inbetween the tags you would put the text of the link. Completed this would take:

<a href="">Mets</a>


If the link is to an internal folder it is best to use relative links as it can link the pages even if the file is only on your local computer.

../index.html - parent folder

../../index.ntml - grandparent folder

You can also link to send emails, open in new windows, and link to specific spots within your page as well as specific spots within other pages.

HTML - Chapter 15 - Layout

CSS has two different types of elements; Block, which starts everything on a new line and inline which starts new content on the same line.

Elements containing other elements are contained parent elements.

Positioning rules can include:

static - remain in normal flow.

relative - positioned based on where it would have been.

absolute - element retains position, other content ignores it.

fixed - remains in place on browser ignoring other content

z-index - used for overlapping content, higher number gains higher precedence.

float - places an item as far left or right as possible moving the content around the element

clear - ensures no elements touch the left or right wall

overflow can be used to envelop floating content.

Flow can be used to arrange multiple columns of content.

Screen size and resolution can impact how the content is displayed. The industry standard is to develop for 960-1000pxs (p379)

Two different layouts are fixed and liquid. Both have their own pros and cons, so take time when deciding which size you will use.

There are different layout grids (frameworks) based on the 960px format, many of which can be downloaded online.

Style sheets can be connected to your pages including multiple styles on different pages. You can use the import function on your html page.

JavaScript Chapter 3 (-p 99) Functions

Functions are code designed to perform a specific task. First the script is written declaring the function, including the steps on how it is performed. Later the function can be ‘called’ without needing to rewrite the script no matter how many times.

Functions can be similar to loops in that they sometimes need information from the developer/user to work. In this situation with loops we use variables, in functions we use parameters. The fucntion will need the values of the parameters when it is called.

Functions can be used to get single or multiple values, can be used to declare the value of variables in loops

Article - Pair Programming

Final reading this week was an article by Allie Grampa called 6 Reasons for Pair Programming. Pair Programming is a concept where programming students share workstations one in the ‘driver’ position performing the coding, while their partner acts as a navigator, keeping the driver on course with their code and helping them navigate through difficult sections, looking out for errors and typos.

Working in this format allows the team to take turns while getting to work on reinforcing some of the corresponding skills Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing

Pair Programming enriches the experience by no only speeding up how quickly students learn the information, but it helps with the team work mentality, and general interview/social skills.